Escape Part Two

Itch was astonished; she had never experienced a ghost, missing so much of himself, turning away from her. She had assumed her power over him was absolute. She threw stones and taunted him. Not taking the rebellion threat seriously, she shrieked his name and laughed at him.

She was following, always following, waiting for him to exhaust his meager supply of energy. When he dropped, she would make him pay for this impotent escape attempt. He would soon know that she had a legal right of ownership over him as he had chosen her after being made fully aware of her character.  

But he did not stop, though the stones hurt his body and her taunts chilled his blood, he continued walking away. He felt exhausted and panic rose with the awareness that he could go not much farther.

He knew when he fell he would be recaptured by the Witch, but he suddenly heard the sound of a swift flowing river. The violent water crashed upon bodies of the protruding rocks; the strong current easily carried huge branches down the river. Though the river was dangerous, the churning water looked fresh and clean.

The weeks of grime, filth, crusty blood and rancid saliva that covered his body propelled him toward the water. The promise of being clean, even a moment before he would drown, gave him an unexpected burst of energy; he ran.

Once the Witch saw his destination she jumped upon his back and dug her nails deeply into his flesh. She threw all her weight backwards but, in that moment, his will was stronger than the force of her pull. He lunged into the river. His knees hit the hard rocks and splashed Itch with tiny droplets of water. She released her hold and jumped back to the shore.

Efren collapsed, allowing the strong current to pull him down deep into the belly of the river. All the filth and stench he had worn for so long slowly washed away layer after layer.

He had assumed, in his weakened state, that this would be his burial place, but the water was restoring him. It was clearing the fog from his mind and inexplicably strengthening his atrophied muscles.

He found he could swim to the surface for air. Alert, and with remarkable speed, he managed somehow to make it to the other side of the river.

He saw Itch far upstream. He knew she would not get into the water. Clean, pure water would torture her. It was his shield for the moment. Now, was his chance, he fled. He heard her words coming to him on the back of the wind, “You cannot escape. You belong to me. I am coming for you.”

He ran faster.


Escape Part One

The temptation witch, Itch, was glad for the interference of the meddlesome Gnomish girl. Though it had been touch-and-go for a few moments, the unforeseen result was that she was able to expedite the process of entrapment. When Efren had chosen her after seeing her true form, it afforded Itch the luxury of ending her energy-draining pretense of being a good thing. Addiction is a fine thing indeed.

Almost immediately, Itch began to feast upon his character. She stripped him of things he had previously enjoyed and isolated him. She was insatiable as she drained his personality and priorities. Her breath encompassed him in a fog of tormenting wormwood and acid.

As the horrible days blended together, Efren could feel his identity slipping away as he became a ghost of his former self.

Bitterness, grief, and regret were his constant mental companions. He occasionally remembered the haunting sound of a Gnomish girl calling to him to stop. But he could recall only faintly details of his life before the Witch had been exposed; the one exception was the strange fire… he could clearly remember that.

The only thing pleasant in his life was the memory of the fire. If Itch could have seen his thoughts she would certainly have taken that from him, but she couldn’t. As he dwelt upon the memory, it changed from a memory into something more. The fire spinning around in his head would sometimes speak to him. Efren couldn’t say what the voice sounded like or the exact wording, but he could understand it.

He was losing his strength as he felt himself nearing the edge of a bottomless pit. He was certain the Witch planned to completely devour him, leaving him only a tormented consciousness. He would be thrown into the pit alive, or, if not alive, at least aware. He would forever be falling and never reaching the end.

Efren wasn’t sure how he knew this. Perhaps he just sensed it, maybe Itch had told him, or it could have been the fire in his mental wanderings warning him of what was to come.  

The fire told him to escape, but it was too hard. He had missed his opportunity that day long ago. He had no strength left to run or to fight, he was in too deeply. All he could do was stumble on towards his destiny.  

The fire knew his hopeless thoughts. It showed him an image of what his life could be. The seemingly impossible possibility finally gave him hope. The hope gave him determination, which led to resolve. He released the Witch’s hand and reversed his direction.

To be continued…


Maral clung to the monument. As the hands of the mob clutched at her dangling feet, she heard an urgent whisper, Sing! She knew it was Wisdom. Wisdom had been there giving her instructions the entire time, but Maral hadn’t been listening. Quickly she sang as loudly as she could in the eternal language. The strange fire exploded from her lungs and swirled around.

The instant the strange fire appeared, the mob scattered. Maral climbed down from the arms of the monument. The powerful fire was consuming the city. She stared amazed, the strange fire had only ever destroyed dark things like Despair. Now as it licked the white buildings, they crumbled to the ground.

The next moment, echoing down from the treetops, the sound of a marching army could be heard. The east wind arrived. It raged through the streets of the city, rushing toward Maral with terrible speed. The fire became a solid wall protecting her.

The battle between these extraordinary elements began. Buildings were crumbling and debris were being thrown like large bullets by the wild wind.

Maral heard a call which woke her from her dumbfounded state. Wisdom was calling her out of the city, away from the supernatural war. She ran blindly toward the voice. As she ran, she heard Wisdom calling out the Scribes. The entire city was fleeing the destruction.

Maral ran into the safety of Wisdom’s arms. “You did it,” Wisdom whispered and kissed Maral on the cheek.

“I did?” Maral asked confused. But froze when she looked around and saw hundreds of Scribes staring, slack-jawed at Wisdom. Maral stepped back, unsure of what was going to happen, but confident she was safe with Wisdom.

Wisdom called out each Scribe by name.

On many, the expression of shock turned to joyful smiles. Maral watched astonished as the age and wrinkles of those Scribes melted. The years, ravaged by the locust of artificial-intellectual-bondage, were being restored. These ran into Wisdom’s open arms, as if they were children seeing their mother for the first time in years. The reunion was beautiful.

Only a few near the rear of the group looked upon Wisdom with skepticism. These longed for their laws and places of power which had just been destroyed. Their names spoken by Wisdom, sounded to them as harsh grinding noises that clawed at their hardened hearts. They gave the slightest nod they could manage to Wisdom, limiting their respect to almost nothing at all, and turned away.

Maral turned to the city. From this perspective, she could see the fire was attempting to burn the city while the east wind was defending it. It was no use. The fire had the advantage and soon the wind retreated, defeated.

Maral knew it was not logical, but, before the east wind left, she felt that it looked at her. She felt a shiver go through her entire body. Wisdom placed her hand upon Maral’s shoulder. She immediately felt strong and safe.



When Maral had completed her training, they headed for the City of Enlightenment. As they traveled, Wisdom recounted the city’s history. Its birth had been beautiful and messy. A group of Scribes, seekers of Wisdom, formed a community to delve into the ancient books in order to discover hidden and forgotten treasures of truth. They were excited and passionate about their good purpose.

Over time the Scribes became more preoccupied with the thrill of discovery than what they were actually discovering. They found that digging out real discoveries was time consuming and laborious. Slowly, they began to lose sight of Wisdom as they looked for short-cuts. When she tried to guide them back to the path of reason, she was rejected and permanently dismissed.

Obsession was welcomed into their community to fill the void left by the absence of Wisdom. Obsession showed them how they could manufacture artificial discoveries. This was more thrilling than genuine discovery because they were the authors of this new “truth”.

The benefits seemed to be endless; they found they could create these “discoveries” in a remarkably quick and comparatively easy manner. They began by warping history and truth- which provided many more opportunities for “discoveries”.

Obsession was allowed to take control and dictate the protocol of life. He quickly led the Scribes into the bondage of silence. No matter how controlled an environment Obsession created, through debate some genuine truth could leak out. Obsession couldn’t tolerate this, as truth would shatter the illusion that their work was great and lead them once more to Wisdom.

Though they have made a huge impact upon the world with their books of doctrines, theologies, and scientific breakthroughs, the impact had been harmful rather than positive. What the world had acknowledged as truth, these former seekers have now stolen and lost.

As they approached the city Maral noticed that Wisdom appeared uncomfortable. “What’s wrong?” Maral asked.

“The silence, it screams in my ears.” Wisdom said furrowing her forehead. She called out many names but her voice rebounded as if she was in a canon. “Maral, I can go no farther. I have been walled out of this city. Will you go on?”

Maral was shocked, “Me? Without you?”

Wisdom said, “Listen for my voice; I will be with you. You can do this. But it is your choice. Will you go?”

“What am I to do?” She looked at the intimidating city before them. It was too big. She considered saying no. It felt safe to say no.

“Liberate the city.”

Maral’s mind spun with a million negative scenarios. She looked at Wisdom and drew confidence from her steady look. She didn’t trust herself, but she trusted Wisdom- and Wisdom was asking her to do this. Maral nodded, “You will be with me?”

“I will be with you.”

The Girl

Quinbi was devastated. It had been days and still there was no help offered. The government appeared to be mired in debate. Endlessly they discussed the ramifications and procedures on how to deal with this issue. Meanwhile, lives were lost on Ta’ Bough. The newspapers had splashed her story on all the front pages, but awareness had moved nothing.

She was sitting on the steps of the government building waiting, waiting, waiting. The population of Babalonia swarmed around her, all happy, comfortable, safe. It was so different from the home she had left.

Her eyes filled with tears at the memories of her family in the happy time. She longed to get back to her island to die in the place where they had. Her failure to generate help for her people threatened to crush her. She couldn’t breathe.

“Are you ok?”

The soft voice made Quinbi jump. Through her tears she could barely see the young Dwarfish girl. “No,” Quinbi whispered. She was able to slowly take some deep breathes.

“What is wrong?” The girl asked with the innocence that is only found in children.

Quinbi looked at the girl, she was possibly 7 or 8. She was dressed in fine clothes and looked happy and well fed. Quinbi had no wish to burden this innocent one with the pain she struggled with, “I miss my home.”

“Is it far?”

And on and on they talked. The little one asking simple questions and Quinbi answering in similar simple fashion. Finally, the girl stood and handed Quinbi all the coins in her purse. There were three. “To help you get home,” she said smiling broadly.

Quinbi hugged the girl, “This will help so many people in my homeland. Thank you.” The weight of failure began to crack as she rolled the three coins in hand. 

The girl ran away happily convinced she had done something wonderful. She told her friends and soon returned with more children. They all handed over the coins in their pockets. Quinbi was overwhelmed by these children’s generosity.

She was collecting quite a horde of small denomination coins. Though Quinbi understood the reality of the massive amount it would take to meet the need, she still felt these children with their coins were making a great impact. As if they were throwing their coins at the Taker, inflicting great damage. Quinbi couldn’t wrap her mind around this illogical notion but decided to rest in this good moment.

The Taker

Quinbi stood before the podium nervous and afraid. The government officials and news reporters waited impatiently for her to begin. She was the first Eldren this generation had seen.

The Eldren had once been of Elvish kind. Many ages ago, a small band of Elven split from the main group. They withdrew in protest of the values of the time, which they felt were corrupting Elvish moral fiber. These changed their name to Eldren, thereby renouncing their identity as Elvish, and relocated to the large island, Ta’ Bough. There they remained until this Eldren, Quinbi, washed up on the shores of Babylonia, terribly malnourished.

“I have come to plead for my kinfolk. We are in great peril.” Quinbi began sounding older and more confident than she actually was, “Our land has suffered a series of disastrous tragedies. The rains, which have been inadequate for years, have now stopped entirely. Crops have failed. These have been terribly lean years, but no worse than we have survived in the past. However, these days are unlike any other we have experienced.

A violence, with its instruments of death and torture, has settled upon our island. Its servants are the insurgents, a group of wild-minded Eldren who lust for power and the freedom to inflict suffering. They are vicious and without mercy.

In the course of their madness they have destroyed or poisoned the wells that have seen us through past lean years. In our land, there is only fighting and blood, no food or clean water. Still we struggle on, being a resilient, strong people. But we desperately need your help.”

She could clearly see those who occupied the seats of power weighing the benefits and costs of wading into a war-torn country teetering on the brink of famine. She felt failure nipping at her heels.

Desperation caused her voice to quiver, “Lack has been in our country for many years. It has slowly been building its strength; always it calls to the Taker. Now, he stalks our country. Hope is still present, though weak and fading. She keeps the Taker at bay.

Unfortunately, his twin daughters Give and Give have been besieging our land. They are a howling evil. The elder daughter consumes the physical strength of her victims, while the younger the mental and emotional health. When they have driven all Hope from the land, it will collapse. Then the Taker will have a legal right to invade.” She shuddered, “He consumes all life. It is a slow and horrible death.”

The room was silent; no one moved. Then the clock struck the hour and her speaking session was over. Everyone moved at once. A Sprite reporter yelled over the noise and confusion, “We will make your story known. Awareness can move mountains.”

A rock dropped in Quinbi’s stomach. She had failed.  

New Food

Through all the days of lessons, Wisdom fed Maral always the same simple meal of bread. If Maral was completely honest… the bread was abrasive and strange when she first ate it. Knowing it wasn’t polite to mention it, she remained silent. Also, there was so much more to think about that she really didn’t have time to consider the food at any length.

Over time, she became used to Wisdom’s fare. When she found herself actually enjoying it and looking forward to meals times, she asked Wisdom about the bread.

Wisdom explained, “It is an especially odd bread. Though at times it may be bitter and others sweet, you are to always eat it all. It will become part of your make up.

This bread contains many mysterious, wonderful benefits. It will make you physically stronger and more flexible. It contains properties that can enhance your sight to see things clearly and improve your hearing to penetrate to the heart of issues.

If you consume enough of this bread, it can shape and mold your shoulders to be able to carry large amounts of weight yet;  be soft enough to welcome a long cry. Your hands will become gentle, strong, and able. It can even give you a firm resolve to always help others in need. And by this, your thoughts will be taken off yourself. Your life will become one of rich quality and worthy of great things and mighty deeds.”

Wisdom smiled; as she spoke, Maral had been taking larger bites from the slice of bread she had been given. Wisdom knew this slice contained much bran, which made it a challenge to get through with enjoyment. Wisdom’s heart melted a little more at Maral’s sincere soul. 

She continued with a caution, “Whenever you stop eating this bread, the strengths and abilities gained from it will begin to fade. At times, you will be tempted to combine it with other foods- or even just add a few ingredients from other sources, but it will dilute the power and become ineffective. Beware, there are many imposters but you will now know the difference. You have tasted the authentic bread.

It takes time and effort when you first chew this bread to develop a taste for it. The more you eat, the more your appetite for it will increase.”

Maral smiled and took another huge bite.